Gente fala sério, para nós celíacos, uma das piores coisas é não poder mais comer pão francês!!! Eu mesma não me aguento e como de vez em quando uns pedacinhos para matar a vontade hhehehehe Então, para não precisar mais ficar nesse sufoco, pedi para a nossa cozinheira revisar algumas receitas da internet e encontrar uma que desse certo. We tried some that did not work (and it was awful) and this was one of our list which was good. So get to work!
- 1½ cup warm water
- ½ teaspoon salt tea
- 10g of yeast
- 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
- 2 sugar spoons
- 3 xanthan gum teaspoons
- 2 cups of rice flour
- 1 cup of sweet flour
- 3 clear
- 2 melted butter tablespoons
- In a small cumbuca, combine sugar, yeast and warm water. Stir until the mixture is smooth and let stand for 10 minutes. During this time you will see that the yeast will react with the other ingredients and will turn a mixture biphasic. (foto no final do post)
- In a mixer bowl, Mix the dry ingredients.
- Mix the yeast ready with the dry ingredients and blend in the mixer speed 1 by 1 minute.
- Beat the egg whites lightly with a wire whisk until they are a clarinha color. (if you do it in a glass jar, You will see that the light hits also will be in two-phase state of liquid and foam)
- Mix the egg whites, butter and vinegar mixture already beaten. Hit it for more 3 minutes at the maximum speed of an electric mixer.
- Grease a pan with butter and cornmeal.
- Rub oil on the spoon to get shape the loaves in the format you prefer.
- Let the rolls rest in the form of 25 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 200 ° C and bake the bread for about 30 minutes.
OBS.: Staff, I could not record videos to specify better how to make this recipe. I know the recipe is easy, but still I made a mess in the kitchen. So I took some pictures of the process to show you.
This is the yeast mixed with warm water and sugar.
A mistura vai ficar bem melequenta…
cut (with a wet knife oil) rather the surface of the bread to become more like the French bread, take more care, in some bread I cut a lot and opened the bread time to bake. Did not impair the flavor or anything, but it was not as close to the original hahahah.
French bread gluten and lactose approved!
And here are my beautiful rolls, freshly, ready for a nice breakfast.
What did you think? He got doubts? Please contact us and let us know.
Sources: -Recipe ( = ztos5EtXIIg)
-Photos and own making text.