Reflux in celiac disease

Some people find celiac disease going to the doctor on suspicion of duodenal ulcer or gastroesophageal reflux, So today we are going to talk about reflux in celiac disease.

O gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) is a condition in which stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, causing symptoms such as heartburn, acid regurgitation and chest pain. A celiac disease is a condition autoimmune in which the immune system reacts to the presence of gluten and damages the lining of the small intestine. Although there is no relationship direct between reflux and celiac disease, It is possible that people with celiac disease may have a risk increased of developing gastroesophageal reflux.

Reflux in celiac disease

Celiac disease can cause inflammation no gastrointestinal treatment, including in esophagus. This can lead to a dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter, which is the muscle that normally date the opening between the esophagus and stomach to avoid the reflux. As a result, people with celiac disease may be more prone developing GERD.

Besides, some people with celiac disease also have lactose intolerance, which is a sugar present in milk and dairy products. Lactose intolerance can cause symptoms similar those with GERD, including Asia is chest pain.

What to do if I'm having reflux symptoms in celiac disease?

If you have celiac disease and is presenting symptoms from gastroesophageal reflux, It's important to talk to your doctor to discuss treatment options. O treatment of reflux usually involves changes not lifestyle, how to avoid foods that can get worse symptoms and medications for reduce the production of stomach acid. For people with celiac disease, It is also important to follow a gluten-free diet to control intestinal inflammation and prevent long-term damage.

In fact these are only some of the causes of GERD. If we take into consideration an individual with celiac disease controlled but there are bad ones eating habits for example, the person can come to to develop reflux like anyone else other than celiac.

And then there is the occasion when the person don't follow right a gluten-free diet or if pollutes without wanting to. One of the symptoms What can happen in this case is the stomachache is Asia, consequences of a possible reflux and other more serious problems such as ulcer, That's why following your diet is so important!

And in this case of contamination, I use a secret to help with symptoms!

Years ago, when I discovered celiac disease, I was in the throes of gastritis and reflux. Obviously I ate gluten without knowing I had a problem with it, so it was very bad, being one of the worst symptoms, stomach pain and heartburn. At the time I tried to research on the internet what could help in times of crisis to alleviate the pain., After all, taking pain medication every day was becoming routine.

I found a publication from Jornal Ciência that showed the appropriate position to lie down when a person suffers from reflux. Everyone who has had reflux knows that after meals, we should not lie down at less than 45º and preferably we should not lie down at all. But when stomach pain and reflux comes after a meal, even though you are in the right position, the despair is great!

The content of the article in Jornal Ciência, It helped me then and it still helps me today.. But I want to point out that I asked my gastroenterologist about this technique and he said it had nothing to do with it.. Therefore, what you read now may help you too, but be aware that it may not be the most recommended.

“Dormir para o lado esquerdo pode ajudar, is very, improve your digestion.
The effectiveness of this statement lies in the posture, explicada anatomical and physiological na figure.
The lymphatic system is blocked when we lay under the left side, allowing the organs of the digestive system can produce and eliminate the enzymes to neutralize the acids and fats occurs without any pressure on the digestive system. [] Besides, the position may favor those with reflux.

In the matter, this figure was posted, showing the right position to lie down to avoid reflux. Even though the tip is specifically about reflux, I have always used it in cases of stomach pain and heartburn and it has always worked. Even when I have a stomachache and I know it's emotional, I do this position and improve. Obviously there is no miracle, there must be thousands of explanations for the improvement of symptoms, including body relaxation. But it works, it works!

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