Gluten-free chestnut cake and lactose

This post contains explanatory video revenue Gluten-free chestnut cake and lactose, so if you do not like reading recipes, scroll to the bottom of the post and watch the video.

If there's one thing I love to eat, is Brazil nuts. Especially in Christmas time. All end of year, I and my mother go to Sao Paulo, in Mercadão, to buy dried fruits and various kinds of nuts to eat during Christmas time. Good, guess what, this year due to hard work, We did not have time to go. So I decided to buy myself nuts and make some delicious dessert recipe for supper.

This recipe is original Buffet e Patisserie Cia da Trufa. They do not specialize in gluten-free recipes, but digging one day in their posts, I found this recipe, completely gluten and lactose.


Method of preparation:

  1. In an electric mixer, beat eggs, sugar and vanilla essence until batter is creamy.
  2. Now without hitting, only stirring, add the crushed nuts.
  3. Despeje a massa em uma forma 30×20 e coloque no forno pré aquecido a 180ºC e deixe assar por 30 minutes or, depending on the oven, until the dough is sequinha.
  4. Cut the dough in the desired format and can end with ground nuts on top or use melted chocolate (sem lactose) as I did in the video below.

Video recipe

Comments: I do not grind completely brown, but it was a choice of mine who also worked.

Nutritional table

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