
Vegan and gluten-free coxinha

It was taking me a while to find a good pasta recipe. vegan and gluten-free casserole (naturally lactose-free), but at last I found!! I tested the recipe Beautiful Gil and found wonderful. But the video and her income left to be desired in the explanations. So I decided to make a very explanatory recipe video and here I will also describe as much as I can.

For people who already know how to cook, it can be a very simple recipe, but for those who are starting, every detail matters. That's why sometimes I feel that these recipes by great cooks leave something to be desired., most of them addressed the audience as if whatever she was saying was obvious.

But nothing against them, I love Bela Gil, I love Ana Maria kkkkk only sometimes I find it difficult to replicate the recipes.

Ingredients to make this different coxinha


  • 2 xic batata Barry (Peruvian salsa) baked mashed
  • 4 col olive oil
  • 1/2 xic the broth that will be left of the potato cooking
  • 1 rice flour xic
  • 1 clove garlic (the original recipe does not ask crushed garlic, but I realized in time to make it be crumpled mass helps to become more homogeneous, as well as onion)
  • 1/4 grated onion or very finely chopped into very small pieces
  • salt to taste


  • 2 xic jackfruit cooked meat or meat / chicken animal
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 1/2 little sauce chopped
  • will, pepper and turmeric to taste

For frying:

  • 1 xíc cornmeal
  • 1 vegetable oil bottle of your choice (this recipe soybean oil was used)

Method of preparation


  1. Place the yellow sweet potato to cook and only remove from heat when well molinha;
  2. Drain the potatoes and keep the cooking broth for later use;
  3. Mash the potato until it becomes puree;
  4. In a clean pan, add olive oil, garlic and onion and let it brown;
  5. Add olive oil, garlic and onions to mashed potatoes and mix well;
  6. Add this mixture, the reserved broth potato baking and salt. Stir well;
  7. Stir the pot rice flour and mix until dough peel off the bottom of the pot;
  8. Let the dough in the refrigerator for cooling that is not hot at the time of modeling coxinha.


  1. Add in another pan, olive oil, the garlic and onion and do the same process of mass, let it brown;
  2. Add to the pot the meat of jackfruit (or other meat of your choice), the salt, pepper and saffron;
  3. Mix well and finally add the chopped parsley;

How to assemble a vegan and gluten-free Coxinha:

  1. Take some dough and open in your palm;
  2. Put a little filling in the middle of the open mass;
  3. Close the dough as if making a pastel and then pull up the side ends;
  4. The dough should be closed and modeled always pulling the tip of the drumstick up (Watch the video below for more details);
  5. Pass the drumstick in cornmeal until it covered the entire;
  6. Fry in hot oil;
Vegan and gluten-free coxinha

This is the ready coxinha! Notice in the image that has some black dots in drumsticks. These dots are chopped onions that revenue indicated to put on weight. At the time of frying coxinha, the onion that was in big pieces, He burned and stayed that way escurinha. So I recommend that both the onion and the garlic used to make pulp, They must be crushed or very finely chopped (if you can grind everything in the mixer).

Another option is also to use garlic and onion powder.. Obviously it's not the same taste as freshly made but here's the tip.

What is the final review of the recipe?

Mass, when mounting the drumstick, It was well brittle giving appearance that needed more links. I even thought it would burst at the time of frying, but it did not. The mass was well firminha, crispy on the outside and soft inside.

And the best part is that even putting a little more dough than filling, the drumstick is not with that look / taste “massuda” because the baroa potato gives lightness and flavor to the dough, without its excess is a problem but an advantage.

Below I provide a video I made the recipe for you to see step by step how to coxinha gluten and lactose.

On my Instagram and on the channel youtube I have videos showing other ways to make coxinha for those who are fanatical about coxinha.

Why I made this recipe vegan, with jackfruit meat?

Bela Gil's traditional recipe is with jackfruit meat and I was curious to know how it would turn out so I made it at home. I loved the result, but it took a lot of work to do, it's not something i plan to do again, because I'm not vegan, just a curious person hahahha.

But for those who are vegan, I found an amazing option. I even offered the coxinha to someone who didn't know what it was made of and didn't have any doubts about the meat being different.