
Italian bread without gluten

After years of testing recipes finally I found an Italian gluten-free bread that pleased the whole family. After all, the food is not made only for those who are celiac, residents of the house end up having to eat together, both the cross contamination that should not exist as the high cost and time spent on preparing two meals / different recipes.

Tips to make the recipe work

Important: each step of the recipe must be followed exactly so that it works. The big secret is in fermentation so the longer the dough is at rest, the more the bread will grow and get airy inside. It is not recommended to let the bread rise at room temperature and then put it in the oven. I made this mistake and the result was a recipe, that despite looking good, got blown away and nobody wanted to eat.

Let’s the most delicious Gluten-Free Italian Bread recipe you’ll eat


  • 3 cups + 3 tablespoons of mixture of gluten-free flours
  • 2 soup spoons + 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 2 teaspoons of dry biological yeast
  • 2 milk cups
  • 4 melted butter tablespoons

Method of preparation:

  1. Mix all the dry ingredients and separately mix the liquid ingredients.
  2. In an electric mixer, at the slowest speed, mix the two types of ingredients slowly until it forms a homogeneous mass.
  3. Then let it hit at medium speed +1 by 5 minutes.
  4. Cover the dough with foil and leave the first hour at room temperature and the next hours in the refrigerator. Save the dough to ferment for at least 4hrs and at most 7 days. Ps: I left it overnight in the fridge and when I baked it was perfect!
  5. After fermentation, remove the bread from the refrigerator and wrap it in a wrapping paper with or without gluten-free flour (It is optional) and let it rest for 30 min. Ps: I chose to put the flour.
  6. Preheat the oven to 230ºC, grease a pan with the flour mix without gluten and place the bread to bake on the top shelf of the oven. On the bottom shelf place a pan with boiling water to make steam.

If you still don't know how to mix gluten-free flours, I have a suggestion here on this link how to do. You can also buy the ready mix to prefer.

This is the face of the pasta in the first hour. It grows and begins to aerate. Be careful not to leave the dough near a hot oven or under the sun, in the same way that if the weather is very cold, will not be suitable, it can stop growing everything it needs.

Fermentation of gluten-free Italian bread in the first hour at room temperature.

Look at the size of Italian bread without gluten in relation to the shape of pizza. Get HUGE. If you don't have a big family, I even recommend that you freeze some of the recipe, lest it spoil.

Gluten-free Italian bread out of the oven. It almost didn't fit in the way it grew.

Look how many holes the bread has after baking. Stay soft, cute, does not become brittle and with a light crunchy peel on top. Inclusive, if you are wondering if this peel is as hard as traditional Italian bread with gluten, the answer is no, the peel is slightly crunchy so it doesn't get hard enough to have difficulty cutting.

Homemade gluten-free Italian bread, soft and fluffy, aerated inside and with a light and crunchy cone on the outside.

This recipe is savory, you can eat bread without anything if you want, just passing an oil with oregano is already extremely tasty. Obviously as a good Italian descendant, I ate with cheese and wine, accompanied by a tomato antipasto.

This video shows the step by step how to make Italian bread without gluten, for those who have any questions about the recipe. And of course, you can also always use comments and social networks for questions and suggestions.

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