Gluten-free salted pancake

The gluten-free savory pancake recipe you are about to see, is nothing more than an old grandma recipe, only with the replacement of wheat flour by rice flour.

Whoever prefers can use the gluten-free flour mix instead of just using rice flour, however I didn’t think it was necessary because only one pancake broke all the ones I made, the others were very firm.

To prepare the recipe you will need:

  • 1 cup of rice flour
  • 1 1/2 Cup of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 coffee spoon yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Method of preparation:

  1. Mix all the ingredients. The dough tends to be very liquid, do not panic.
  2. Grease a skillet or plate and place a medium ladle full of the finished dough.
  3. Spread well and wait to be well dry.
  4. Turn and let it brown on the other side.
  5. Reserve to fill when cool.
Gluten-free salted pancake already stuffed, being prepared with the sauce. After that step, I like to put in the oven for a few 10 minutes to melt the cheese.

Stuffing ideas for gluten-free savory pancake

I made my pancake with ground meat seasoned with salt, onion, garlic and olive oil. I made a homemade red sauce with tomatoes, will, onion and garlic (mix everything in the mixer and let it boil in a pan for 10 minutes). Finished with grated Parmesan cheese.

Another filling that draws my attention is chicken with catupiri and white sauce on top.

For vegetarians and vegans, can be stuffed with mushrooms, tofu, chickpeas or any legumes such as beans and lentils.

Gluten-free salted pancake, ready and stuffed with ground meat, accompanied by homemade tomato sauce, finished with grated parmesan cheese.

Before discovering celiac disease, this recipe was made at home almost every week. Imagine the childhood taste I experienced when making this recipe years later without eating gluten.

If you love pancake anyway and want to know how to make the gluten-free sweet pancake version neste link.

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